Get the most out of LANKAR

Customer service is our #1 priority!

Since 1992, thousands of shop owners like you, use LANKAR to manage and grow their business everyday.

Our friendly and knowledgeable support staff are here for you.

Want to learn more about the LANKAR software? Our LANKAR Training team will contact you to schedule a free training at a time convenient for you.

We’ll make sure you get the most from your LANKAR Automotive Management Software.

LANKAR software is constantly being improved and maintained while keeping up with industry standards. In accordance with Canada Revenue Agency we provide two mandatory annual payroll updates in January and July of each year or on first of January and July of each year. TAX and payroll changes for US customers are implemented upon federal or state issued notifications.

Updating LANKAR to a newer version could be done in one of two ways:

  1. Software update link is provided as part of the LANKAR menu for ease of use
  2. Call us at (800) 446-3087 or email our support team to coordinate the time for an update