For auto shop owners, it can be difficult coming up with cost effective ways to boost productivity, and increase ROI. With long, stressful hours, finicky clients, and demanding workload, auto shop owners face one common problem: engaging employees.

With the work being repetitive, demanding, and stressful, employees can lose interest quickly. It can also become increasingly difficult to keep up with them and monitor their work progress.

This is where auto shop management software steals the spotlight. With multiple functions that ensure productivity and efficiency, businesses can manage daily operations with ease.

Here are a few ways auto management software boost employee productivity:

Management Reports

When you’re able to keep track of everything, you’ll be able to cater to your employees’ needs efficiently.

From assigning tasks that they can handle with ease, to letting them know their work progress, management reports are a great way to boost your employees’ confidence and help with their progress.

When employees know how well they are doing, they will automatically want to invest more time and energy in their work.


Keeping track of employee schedules becomes easier. You’re able to assign the right employee to the right task. This helps because an overworked employee will not be burdened with tasks, and you will be able to keep track of their work progress easily.

Every employee will get equal amount of hours and workload, reducing the chances of them becoming overworked.

Inventory Reports

Keeping track of inventories helps auto shops to reduce the chances of last-minute panicking. This is because you’ll be able to keep track of resources and tools that need to be re-stocked.

With car parts requiring re-stocking every month or so, it becomes easier for auto shops to keep track of which parts need to be replaced or re-ordered, thanks to auto shop management software.

This also eliminates the chances of employees being stressed because they are no longer required to manually keep track of everything. With the software taking care of all the reports, employees can focus on other tasks.

Professional Invoices

With easy-to-read invoices being generated within seconds, employees no longer have to worry about keeping track of customers’ investment information. This allows them to create specific reports for each individual, and keep track of their purchase history.

Monitoring of Activities

This feature allows business owners to keep track of all the work employees do. This allows them to divide tasks equally, ensuring that no employee does more than he or she has to.

This helps reduce work-related stress, and allows employees to immediately take over, in case another team member is feeling unwell, or is absent.

Accurate Time-In Feature

This feature allows employees to time in and time out. You can keep track of when they arrive to work and when they leave, thanks to the software’s accurate time-recording features.

Effective Communication

With MailChimp and Constant Contact built into the server, it allows you to interact and keep up with employees on a regular basis. With internal communication improved, and employees being able to interact without having to leave their work, the software allows businesses to boost productivity and save time.

Sending emails within seconds and also being able to market your services to potential customers via email is an advantage.

If you are looking for auto shop software that makes management easier, then look no further! LANKAR provides comprehensive and exclusive services for all your auto shop management woes!

By helping businesses boost productivity and efficiency, we’re able to help them increase ROI, build a loyal customer following, and keep track of daily operations.

Feel free to contact our team today to find out more. All you have to do is give us a call at 800 446 3087 and our customer service representative will help you through the process!